
Next To Me -An Iron Man Fanfiction- Chapter 2

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A/N: Wow, I cannot believe I have so many reader all ready! I am truly grateful. I have to admit, I do like the attention. Got a little Pepperony moment in this chapter for you today. Though you guys might like that.

I had a hard time with this chapter. In the movies you only see Tony Stark in one or two serious drama moments, so it's hard to get a handle on his character for most of the scenes in this chapter. I've also noticed that Tony Stark's character in my fanfics takes on what ever Robert Downy Jr. movie character I happen to be watching at the time. In this case it's the movie "Chaplin" from 1992. So toward the end he might seem a tad British. I'm sorry about that. I should probably watch the Iron Man movies while writing this though... I cannot tell you how many times I have seen them through.

Also, I am looking for a beta reader. I need someone to look out for grammar and spelling mistakes obviously, but mostly to help me keep everyone in character. I will be introducing, mostly Tony and Pepper, to situations that you don't quite see in the movies. So it would be nice to have a second pair of eyes in the story. PM me if you are interested.

Sorry for the long A/N. But I know I always like getting inside an author's head, so hopefully I provided you a bit with that.

Disclaimer: I do not own Iron Man or the characters. That belongs to Stan Lee and Marvel. I only own the OC.


Tony continued to tinker with the the machine as they took the mysterious girl away. He was trying to figure out why how and where she had come from in the first place. The file had said it was unfinished, and from what he could tell, it was. He was looking at the control panel underneath the screen. The left side of it was full of wires and computer chips. The right, completely empty. Then it came to him, but just to be sure his theory was correct, he continued to take a look around in the machine. As he continued tinkering with it, Director Fury came back in after making sure the girl was in good hands at the infirmary.

"Was the report lying Stark?" He asked. "Was it actually finished?"

"No, the file was right. It was unfinished, and it still is. Although it's certainly fried now. I don't think we'll ever get this to work again. Or at least not the way it was supposed to." Tony replied.

"But then how did it turn itself on if its unfinished?" Fury pressed.

"Just because it was unfinished doesn't mean it didn't work." Tony answered as he turned around to face Fury. "Think of it like a phone with the ear piece but not the microphone."

"So in other words, it can receive but it just can't send." Tony nodded, he couldn't hear what Fury was saying anymore. What had happened only about an hour ago was still very much on Tony's mind. Fury knew that Stark wasn't listening any but but continued anyway. "So that means we can't send her back."

"Is she really my daughter?" Tony quickly cut off.

"That has yet to be confirmed Stark. But we are running the DNA tests at the moment." He answered.

"What about the mother? Do you have any idea who she is?"

"That is impossible to determine without DNA to run hers up against."

Tony stayed quiet, a million questions running through his head. Fury was still standing behind him waiting for a reaction from Tony.

"Do you mind if I go see her?" Tony finally asked.

"No, but you won't get any answers from her any time soon. It seems she was in really bad shape when she arrived. So in the mean time the doctors put her on some meds." With that Tony walked out of the room, leaving a very broken piece of equipment behind.


Tony walked into the infirmary and saw the girl on the third bed on the right from the door. He approached her slowly with his footsteps echoing against the concrete walls. She looked better then she had before. She still had the bruises and cuts, the cut next to her left ear had to be stiched Tony saw. She was out of her dirty clothes and into the clean hospital scrubs. She looked to be around twenty years old, give or take a few years. Her hair had also been washed and brushed. It was the first time Tony had seen her actual hair color.


Red hair. Like Pepper. Was the thing that flashed through Tony Stark's mind when he finally got a good look at the girl.

The girl was still fast asleep when the doctor came over to inform him about the girl's injuries. A minor concussion, internal bleeding, two broken ribs and of course the stiches. None of it life threatning.

Tony contined to just stand by her bedside, hands in his pockets, listening to the sound of the heart monitor, which was entirely too loud for his tastes. His eyes followed the oxygen tube that allowed the life gas to flow right into her nostrils.

He was just looking at her and trying to answer all the questions running through his head. Fury came up beside him a few minutes later. He stayed silent, leaving Tony to his thoughts. A few moments later, Tony finally spoke.

"The more I look at her the more I see Pepper. I dont see any Stark in her at all." He paused for a moment, trying to figure if there was anything from his gene pool. "Nope, all I see is Potts."

"Listen," Fury started. "Why dont you go home for the night. I'll call you as soon as the tests are out." He paused, wondering whether or not to ask the question on both his mind and Tony's. "Are you going to tell Ms. Potts?"

Tony sighed and turned around on his heels to face him. "Dont know." Tony breathed out without much strength in his voice. He seriously thought he should, but she was already so stressed beacause of work, he didnt know how she would take it if she found out if there was a second Stark was wandering around the city. He would of course be yelled at for not telling her first thing, but he honestly thought it was the best route.

Before he left, Tony turned around and and Fury in a dead panned voice. "How is it that you always appear, everywhere?"

Fury shrugged and stepped out of the way so Tony could exit the room.


Three hours later Tony was finally home. He certainly wasn't in any hurry to return after the day he had. So he took his time making sure to get lost in the city for a while. When he eventually arrived he knew he needed something to take his mind off things. Starting another upgrade on the suit seemed like a good idea, and it was actually somewhat productive.

About an hour went by before he decided to screw it. There was simply to much on his mind for him to focus properly. Too many questions. What if the girl was he and Pepper's daughter? What if she was Pepper's daughter and not his and simply mistook him as somebody else? She could have easily been delarious as she was so close to unconsciousness when she said it. The doctor did say she had a concussion. He groaned as he leaned back in his chair running his hands through his hair and making it even more messy than it was before.

"What's got you so riled up?"

Tony nearly jumped out of his seat at Pepper's voice. "Geezus Pepper, make more noise when you enter a room will you?"

"Well I'm sorry Mister Stark but I thought you did not want any unnecessary noise."

Tony got up from his seat and walked over to her and slowly bumped his forehead against hers. "Well I would say that would be necessary noise wouldn't you?"

"I suppose so." Pepper smiled, kissed him lightly and took a step back. "But seriously what's on your mind?"

Tony started to walk back to his desk chair. "It's nothing."

"No it's not nothing. Tell me what's wrong."

Tony turned around to face her. "Honey, I told you it's nothing."

"Was it something Fury said or wanted you to do?"

"You'll find out eventually Pepper but now just isn't the best time."

"And why isn't now the best time?" Pepper argued.

"Do you trust me?" Tony asked, looking Pepper in the eyes.

"Yes of of course I do. You know I do." Pepper trailed off.

"Then trust me when I tell you it's better if you don't know. Not yet any way."

"Fine." Pepper finished. "I'm going to go to sleep. You've seemed to have had a long day, want to join me?"

"Maybe in a minute. Although I wouldn't mind some Advil if you don't mind getting some for me." Tony responded, smirking at her.

"I'll see you in the morning then. Good night Mister Stark." Pepper said as she walked out of the room.

"Good night Miss Potts."

Tony sat back down at his desk but before he could even begin trying to sort out his thoughts, JARVIS spoke up.

"Sir, its Directory Fury on the line again. He says he has the DNA test results."
Alrighty here's chapter two. I have decided, thanks to :iconrenvalentine:, to upload this fic here, but as I still want people to view it on, this one will be 2 chapter's behind or more. You can follow the link below for the one.


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